Welcome to the Introduction to the Theatre Performance Module I.  This is a practical module that module. The objective of this module is to achieve professional performance in a full-length student production that will be open to public attendance.  This module introduces students to professional standards of rehearsal and performance (e.g., preparation, creativity/freedom, commitment to ensemble, flexibility of process). Firstly, students’ needs to prepare and respond adequately to an audition brief, observe, understand and apply strict rehearsal ethics (etiquette) and demonstrate acceptable mastery of the full depth of the character portrayed in a full-length theatre production that will be directed by the chosen lecturer. Performances will take place in conventional and unconventional spaces, exploiting various theatrical performance approaches, physical theatre and various forms of applied theatre. This module will empower students with crucial life skills, such as self-discipline, creativity, critical thinking, leadership and teamwork, all of which will benefit them in any field of interest.