Dear Student

Welcome to the module Introduction to Labour Law 1

The module is a level 7 of the National Qualification Framework (NQF). This module entails the study of Labour law (also known as “workplace law”) as it pertains to the interaction of people within the industry e.g. employer and employee, individual contract of employment, statutory laws and labour theories. And, on a macro sociological scale, it is the study of the impact of industrialization on society.

This module is included in this programme offered at level three, to finally prepare you for the workplace and to become employable. Upon completing the module, you will have the ability to draw basic contracts of employment, read, and understand contracts of employment, to safeguard and protect an organisation or individuals from invalid contracts or any other discrepancies that may arise which are related to employment contracts.

I hope you will enjoy your third year in Industrial Sociology. I look forward to another year of hard work, perseverance, commitment, joy and laughter. I wish you a fruitful academic journey and success with this module. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you encounter any problems with your studies.