The Department of Politics and International Studies offers this module, in order to empower students to have deep understanding global politics in order to help them make sense of trends that are shaping our world. Specifically, to


  • Explore the meaning and usage of concepts such as power, national interest, anarchy, war, diplomacy, peace, cooperation and interdependence;

  • Explore the evolutionary trend of IR as a discipline including the on-going impact of globalisation;

  • Analyse the principal approaches to the study of IR including the levels and units of analysis;

  • Explore the mainstream theories of IR that will help you to examine the behaviour of international actors and the nature of the international systems

  • Explore the fundamental causes of war as well as the role of international organizations in ensuring international co-operation, global peace and security

  • Essentially, the Purpose of this Module is to empower students to have deep understanding global politics in order to help them make sense of trends that are shaping our world.