Welcome to the module SPHY111/4PHY111 (Classical Mechanics and properties of Matter). The module is meant for entry level B.Sc. and contains fundamental concepts of Physics and Engineering that prepares the student for later study in more advance fields in the Physical Sciences. It contains basic concepts in classical mechanics and properties of matter. 

This module has six formal contact hours (lectures and tutorials) in a hybrid format, that a combination of both contact and online. There would be three hour practical session each week. You are expected to attend ALL lectures, tutorials and practicals. 

My contact details are as follows: Tel: 035 902 6902; Email: NgcoboPZ@unizulu.ac.za,  Office: Block E, no. 10.

Please read the attached module information sheet, which will be discussed in our first lecture.

All the announcements will be pasted on this news forum.