Welcome to the Department of Agriculture and specifically in the SAAS421 class.  I hope you will find the module interesting and informative and that you will actively participate in the discussions and practical sessions.  If you encounter any problems regarding the module you are very welcome to discuss it with the lecturer at any time.  To ensure that you are aware of the scope of the module, procedures and assessment, the necessary information is set out in this study guide. The module will cover the following: general anatomy and histology of the male and female reproductive systems; endocrinology of the oestrous cycle, pregnancy, and lactation; oestrous cycle and gestation in farm animals; functions of the cells of the ovary and testis; basics of oocyte and spermatozoa maturation; transport of gametes through the male and female reproductive systems; steps involved in fertilization; basic events of embryo and foetal development; basics of maternal recognition of pregnancy, implantation, and placentation; events of parturition; events of courtship and mating in farm animals; general causes and examples of reproductive failure in farm animals; reproductive peculiarities and management of cattle, sheep, horses, swine, and poultry; basics of reproductive assisted biotechnologies including AI, oestrus synchronization, superovulation, embryo transfer, IVF, sperm and embryo sexing, transgenics, and reproductive immunization.