The module will cover the following: Beef production systems that entails factors affecting decisions about beef production systems: extensive or intensive systems; breeding or purchasing, choice of breeds; choice of breeding system: pure breeding; crossbreeding, Types of beef production system: stud breeding; commercial breeding; weaner-production; yearling production; mature steer production; beef feedlots; buying and selling. Fertility management systems; breeding season. feed sources; carrying capacity; Livestock Units; efficiency; herd structure; beef herd dynamics; breeding replacement heifers. Dairy production systems will include Calving patterns; rearing replacements; dairy cow fertility management; calf rearing systems; feeding systems; fodder-flow planning for a dairy herd; intensive or extensive dairy production systems; marketing; milking systems. Sheep production systems will include breeding and production systems, wool production; meat production; Karakul pelts, Sheep selection and recording; sheep fertility management. Goat production systems; Goat management systems; goat feeding systems; Fibre and mohair production; goat meat production; goat milk production. Goat fertility management systems; Goat kid rearing. The module will be offered through contact sessions and field trips.