The module is meant for BSc (Hons) and deals with advanced fundamentals in Electronics theory and application with a basis in physics. It prepares the student to carry out research in the of electronics and solid-state physics focusing on detection, data collection and measurement systems.

The course has four components: Instrumentation, Microcontrollers, Computer Interfacing and Feild programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). It is designed to develop knowledge and skills necessary for a student to be able to improvise and inovate ways of collecting data if the need arises. 

Assessments will be continuous involving online quizes for the various sections of the course (40%). A final assessment will be by  a project of the student's choice with the assistance of the supervisor/facilitator. The student will be required to conceptualise, evaluate, make decisions on project realisation and to finally present a preliminary solution. Though presentations wil be given at variuous intervals of the course, a final oral presentation and a coherent written report together with a tangeable prototype on the project will contribute to the summative assessment (60%).