The module is meant for BSc(Hons) and deals with advanced fundamental concepts of Solid State Physics that prepares the student for both theoretical and experimental physics at Masters and doctoral level. It prepares the student for research work in the field. It contains advanced concepts in solid state physics and materials science.


Crystal Structure, Wave Diffraction and the Reciprocal Lattice, Crystal Binding and Elastic Constants,

 Crystal Vibrations & Thermal Properties of Solids,  Free Electron Gas Model,  Energy Bands in Solids,

Semiconductors, Fermi Surfaces and Metal, Superconductivity,  Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism,

Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism,  Plasmons, Polaritons, and Polarons,  Optical Processes and Excitons,  Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics ,  Surface and Interface Physics,  Low Dimensional  structures, Point Defects and Dislocations and Alloys.


Continuous assessment mark (40%, consisting of 2x 2-hr tests, at least one project), 1x3-hr exam (60%).