2ECN312 - Economic Research and Econometrics
2ECN311 – Labour and International Economics
2ECN301 – Public and Monetary Economics
Fundamentals of Econometrics - 2BHE005
•Conduct advanced descriptive and graphical analyses of economic data (panel data, cross-section, and time-series data);
•Demonstrate an advance understanding of time-series analysis with a focus on OLS with particular emphasis on BLUE properties;
•Specify the violation of OLS assumptions, remedial measures and the importance of GLS models;
•Undertake analysis relevant to economics by evaluating data; data transformation and elasticities;
Mathematical Economics - 2BHE004
•Correctly apply Calculus and the various rules through:
• Applications and solving of economic unconstrained maximization/minimization problems both single and partial derivatives;
•An analysis of Cobb Douglas Production Function;
• Determination and interpretation of elasticities of demand and supply;
• Applications of Calculus in Total Revenue and Profit maximization and cost minimization analysis;
•An application of the Lagrangian Multiplier in constrained optimization problems;
•Applications using utility and production examples; and
•Identification of Inequality Constraints and applying the Kuhn Tucker optimization rule.
•Demonstrate an advanced understanding of Linear Algebra, Matrix algebra and applications;
•Integrate the various mathematical concepts and correctly apply this to economic problems;
•Correctly apply Differential equations in economic models; and
•Successfully introduce the Taylor Approximations rule and second-order conditions, through applications in economics.Research project A - 2BHE003
•Classify different quantitative and qualitative research methodologies specific to specify economic matters;
•Convert a research idea into a research problem, research objectives, and a research plan;
•Identify a research topic in economics or economic development;
•Develop a research design and appropriate methodology for the research topic;
•Conduct a preliminary literature review;
•Express ideas and arguments logically and coherently in a language appropriate to research of an academic nature;
•Employ a range of writing strategies and revise and edit own writing;
•Write a coherent and scientific research project; and
•Verbally present research in a clear and convincing manner.2BHE001: Selected topics in Macroeconomics
•Fully comprehend the difference between macroeconomics for developed and developing countries;
•Distinguish clearly between alternative theories and models of economic growth, including classical, neo-classical, endogenous growth and increasing returns, and their relevance to developing countries;
•Use graphical and mathematical techniques to analyse instability and macroeconomic adjustment in models of developing countries; and
•Critically analyze prudential macroeconomic policies in a a developing country, with diverse monetary and fiscal policy frameworks.Economic Research and Econometrics - CECN312
2ECN102 - Principles of Macroeconomics
This module introduces students to Macroeconomics which deals with the economy as a whole; it examines the behaviour of economic aggregates such as aggregate income, consumption, investment, and the overall level of prices. At the end of the semester the students should be able to understand some issues like fiscal policies, how tax rates are determined and the impact of taxation on the economy, inflation, unemployment, minimum wage, income inequality and so forth.
Background in mathematics is an advantage in the module. Principles of Microeconomics is a prerequisite for this module.
Intermediate Macroeconomics - CECN202
The key objective of this module is to present the real economy and national income determinants, financial markets and general macroeconomic equilibrium models in a closed economy. The student should expect to use the concepts of output, unemployment, consumption, investment and inflation introduced in CECN102 to undertake an in-depth analysis of macroeconomics dynamics. It reviews the goods market, a combination of goods and financial markets (IS-LM model), the labour market and the combination of all markets (AS-AD model). students should have passed the pre-requisite modules (CECN101 and CECN102).
CECN311: Labour and International Economics
CECN311 is a third year course in the department of Economics offering two papers in the summer and autumn terms. Paper 1 entails Labour Market Economics, while Paper 2 focus on International Economics. Assesment will be provided in means of two class test to determine the students semester mark.
Public and Monetary Economics - CECN301
2ECN302 - Development Economics
2ECN101 - Principles of Microeconomics
Welcome to the module Principles of Microeconomics (2ECN101, CECN101, CECX101). It shows how individuals, households, and businesses decide how to allocate scarce resources.. It covers topics such as:
1. Market forces of supply and demand
2. The Elasticity of demand and supply
3. Consumer behaviour and demand
4. Production and cost in the firm
5. Market structures such as perfect competition, monopolies, and oligopolies.
6. Factor markets and wage determination
Microeconomics aims to understand how individuals and firms make decisions and how these decisions affect market outcomes such as price, quantity, and distribution of goods and services.
The course will focus on how individuals make decisions that affect their income and wealth, how firms affect profits and production, and how government regulation affects individuals and firms. Upon completion, students should identify and evaluate consumer and business alternatives to achieve economic objectives efficiently.