4AAS432: Applied Animal Science

Course categoryAgriculture

Dear Student

Welcome to Applied Animal Science module, Level 4. This module is designed to introduce you to different processes and technologies involved in the process of milk, meat and wool production. Moreover, the module provides a scientific knowledge of factors affecting milk, meat and wool composition and quality. The prerequisites for this course are 4AAS 211 and 4AAS 212.

SAAS322 - Animal Health

Course categoryAgriculture

Welcome to the Animal Health module, Level 3. This module is designed to introduce you to basic concepts of veterinary science. This includes veterinary terminology, immunology, microbiology, parasitology, epidemiology as well as veterinary principles and procedures. The prerequisites for this course are SAAS 211 and SAAS 212.

4AAE311: Farm Management

Course categoryAgriculture

Welcome to this module 4AAE311, Farm Management and Record Keeping Systems. 

Students should please read through the Course guide and familiarize themselves on how this module will be conducted and what will be expected from each student.

Please ensure you are fully aware of what the outcomes of this module are as this will form the basis of all assessments. 

Good luck and I hope you will enjoy the Module.

Animal Nutrition (4AAS331)

Course categoryAgriculture

Welcome to the module Animal Nutrition. The module aims to provide students with broad knowledge of the general principles and concepts of animal nutrition to improve animal production efficiency of livestock animals (ruminants and non-ruminants).

SAAG431: Seed Science and Technology

Course categoryAgriculture

Welcome to the module Seed Science and Technology (SAAG 431). This module is designed to equip learners with knowledge and understanding of the application of seed science techniques. The module includes the development of superior crop plant varieties, their evaluation and release, seed production, processing, seed storage, seed testing, seed quality control, seed certification, seed marketing, distribution, and research on seed these aspects. Seed production, and seed handling based on modern botanical and agricultural sciences.

4AAS411: Pasture ecology and management

Course categoryAgriculture

This module entails the definition and importance of veld (natural rangelands), pastures and pasture science, structure and functioning of plants and communities, plant-herbivore interactions and fodder flow planning. Practical aspects of veld assessment are included in this module. This aims at teaching animal science students on veld and pasture management for livestock feeding. Prior understanding of principles of animal production and animal nutrition is of importance in this module

SAAS212 - Principles of animal production

Course categoryAgriculture

Welcome to the Principles of Animal Production level two. This module entails discussing the principles applied in animal production. This is the extension of introduction to animal science module as done in the first semester. At the end of the module, I expect the student to understand the origin of different breeds and how does that affect the choices of different breeds by farmers in different ecological zones. This also affects the production systems.

Animal science research project I & II

Course categoryAgriculture

Dear Student

Welcome to the module Animal science research project I & II. This module entails the design of scientific research, proposal writing, data analysis, presentations and scientific report writing.

Lecturer’s expectations 

Students are expected to be able to design, conduct and report on scientific research project.

SAAS422- Applied Ruminant Production

Course categoryAgriculture

 The module will cover the following: Beef production systems that entails factors affecting decisions about beef production systems: extensive or intensive systems; breeding or purchasing, choice of breeds; choice of breeding system: pure breeding; crossbreeding, Types of beef production system: stud breeding; commercial breeding; weaner-production; yearling production; mature steer production; beef feedlots; buying and selling. Fertility management systems; breeding season. feed sources; carrying capacity; Livestock Units; efficiency; herd structure; beef herd dynamics; breeding replacement heifers. Dairy production systems will include Calving patterns; rearing replacements; dairy cow fertility management; calf rearing systems; feeding systems; fodder-flow planning for a dairy herd; intensive or extensive dairy production systems; marketing; milking systems. Sheep production systems will include breeding and production systems, wool production; meat production; Karakul pelts, Sheep selection and recording; sheep fertility management. Goat production systems; Goat management systems; goat feeding systems; Fibre and mohair production; goat meat production; goat milk production. Goat fertility management systems; Goat kid rearing. The module will be offered through contact sessions and field trips.


Course categoryAgriculture

Dear Student

 Welcome to the module Animal Science Research Project I. This module entails the design of scientific research, proposal writing, data analysis, presentations and scientific report writing.


Course categoryAgriculture

Welcome to the module Crop Protection 3A (4AAG321/ SAAG321). This module seeks to introduce students to the agricultural crop/ plant diseases of economic importance which cause losses in crop production and whose collective management constitutes the study of Crop Protection.

This course is an exploratory course in crop diseases, designed primarily for leaners in Agronomy. The prerequisite module strictly enforced by the departments is SAAG212 (Introduction to crop production) and Statistics (SSTT120). It is offered at this level because it provides the basic foundation of knowledge of complex scenarios within the module content. This course is designed to provide students with knowledge in concepts in relation to plant pest, weeds, and diseases, their principles and methods of control; selectivity and selective use of pesticides.